Talk @ Ionic Zurich Meetup – Apple M1 & Ionic: Should I switch?

My talk @ Zurich Ionic Meetup from December 2020 about my experiences with Ionic framework development on the Apple Silicon…

Philipp Höhne

My last talk @ Zurich Ionic Meetup [ Stackblitz, Ionic 4 Quickies, Observable.forkJoin() ]

Held my 2nd talk @ Zurich Ionic Meetup last Thursday. Just some 'Quickies' this time: Ionic 4 Playground: stackblitz.com Bringing…

Philipp Höhne

Cryptogram Equations (brute-forcing my demon)

TL;DR My Cryptogram Equation Solver The whole story Just recently: Son: "Daddy, there are some math tasks I need your…

Philipp Höhne

Push Messages with Ionic and OneSignal

Gave my first talk at the Ionic Zurich Meetup today. Thanks to the guys at the Meetup for the appreciation…

Philipp Höhne

When ‘hacking’ a lucky draw is just too easy

Warning: the application of the method described in this article is very likely illegal and unethically for sure. The purpose…

Philipp Höhne

Social Login for mobile apps with Ionic / Cordova + PHP + OAuth + JWT

Recently I've started looking into building hybrid mobile apps with Ionic (based on Apache Cordova) and one of the first…

Philipp Höhne

Showtime! A timed Angular ‘ng-show’.

For my current project with Angular I want some messages to be shown for a few seconds (e.g. success of password…

Philipp Höhne

SoapUI & JWT

Quite often when I start using a new tool it takes me hours to get something working which seems to be trivial…

Philipp Höhne

Running SoapUI tests from Jenkins

For my private projects I prefer postman for testing REST services because it's so simple and fast to use but recently I had…

Philipp Höhne